Blog Master Leren en Innoveren, Fontys Eindhoven

"Don't compare your progress with that of others. We all need our own time to travel our own distance" - Oprah-

zondag 23 maart 2014

The Learning Flow

Learning is a process not an event. Learning is a journey not a destination. 
Jane Hart 
Nog meer Flow nodig? Zie het tijdschrift ;)
Jane Hart is auteur van het Social Learning Handbook 2014 (door mijn paper over Social Learning haar 'ontdekt') maar ook ontwerper van het framework voor sociaal leren: The Learning Flow.
A Learning Flow is a continuous steady stream of social micro-learning activities – accessible from the web and mobile devices
  • continuous – ongoing (ie no end date)
  • steady – daily (or probably more likely, weekdaily)
  • micro-learning – short – ie taking no longer than 15-20 minutes to undertake
  • activities – that involve reading (watching or listening to) something and doing something
  • social – that invite and encourage active participation and contribution
  • stream  –  that are organised and structured in the Flow in weekly themes
  • accessible from web and mobile devices – to ensure that  learning can take place anywhere and at anytime
Check out haar blog Learning in the Social Workplace voor meer informatie over deze Learning Flow.

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